Thursday, November 12, 2015

Ozark Fiber Fling in Steelville, Mo.

The Ozark Fiber Fling is a wonderful fiber festival in Steelville, Mo., in Nov. each year. There are classes in knitting, spinning, felting, crochet, preparing fiber, and more.  There's a good selection of vendors with lots of yarns, fibers, fleeces, books, and supplies.  The classes are very reasonably priced, and you can camp out in the building overnight if you'd like.  It's a great opportunity to learn new techniques.  They are planning classes for next year and are open to suggestions.  Here are some pictures of the vendors.

Ann Anderson was there teaching double knitting and shadow (illusion) knitting.  She showed us some of her beautiful double knitting scarves.  She was working on the grey scarf.

She does double knitting by holding the yarns in both hands, so one color is in each hand.  Her tension is great, which can be difficult with double knitting.  I was hoping to take her class, but I couldn't make it that day.

Susan Wilson, an expert finger weaving artist, was there teaching classes and selling her beautiful finger woven scarves.  She taught the diagonal weave for beginners and the arrowhead pattern for those with some finger weaving experience.  Here's my class sample.  It's fun to do and takes practice to get the tension right.

Here are some of Susan Wilson's  beautiful scarves: an arrowhead flame stitch pattern, a chevron pattern, and a lightning pattern.  She has some of her works in museums.

Here's a video of Susan finger weaving the arrowhead pattern.

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